[Me] I don’t want to over worry about problems in the lives of others that I care about. To clarify, I don’t want to lower my high frequency vibration by taking on the sad/mad/frustrated/painful frequencies of others. Nor do I want to fall asleep thinking about it and wake up still thinking about it. Or go off into ‘scenario land’ as we call it, creating versions of how events might play out. Rarely have they ever played out as negatively as I imagined, but I wasted a lot of energy by wallowing in low frequency feelings.
Worry is a form of fear. Fear that something won’t resolve happily for me or someone I care about. It’s a very low vibrational energy that I consciously don’t want to spend time in. There must be a balance between worrying that someone I care about is hurting, and the side of me that knows that we are all on our own unique journeys, learning our own lessons.
[Soul] Think of them solving their own problems and feeling good about themselves.
[Me] I feel that I should write about that.
[Soul] If you feel you must, if it will help you, focus on your love.
It isn’t a surprise to many of you that I am an ‘over-thinker’ and often, an ‘over-explainer.’ A good part of my life I’ve been logic based and linear. An A to B, fit all the puzzle pieces into the picture, make a spreadsheet, have a plan, solve a problem, kind of gal. Maybe having a large family has trained me into this habit, as there is a lot of juggling to make sure everyone is taken care of to the best of my ability. But now, what I once viewed as my normal way to be, can now seem like something that stunts my growth and expansion.
I try to remind myself (over and over and often without success) that I don’t need to know everything or know how everything works or how it will all work out. And that I should roll with the flow more and remember that I don’t have control the situations playing out in other people’s lives. But, I can still get in my own way with the worrying.
And then, to frost that freakin’ cake, I’ll judge myself for dropping down into the mire of low frequency feelings.
[Me] How do I get out of this cycle? How do I solve this?
[Soul] Release what doesn’t belong to you. Yes, you love others, you want the best for them, but it’s their journey.
[Me] But I’m part of their journey and they are part of mine right? Aren’t we cocreating with each other?
[Soul] Respect that they have things that they came here to learn. You are a witness to that. You can still assist them, love them, but the best you can do is to see them in their highest light. Seeing someone other than at their highest, seeing them sad, or in lack, or grieving, or whatever they are experiencing in their present-day situation – does not help them.
Seeing them as less than their higher self is not good, because you are always cocreating with them and you don’t want to cocreate low energy frequencies.
See them in a higher energy to help bring them up vibrationally – raise them up. Do not mire in the low vibrational energies with them because that would be two beings sending out low vibrational energies to mass consciousness. It is of no use to bring yourself down. When you emanate energy, it flows through you first, bringing you down and then out to your energy field where it will affect others.
Love them, assist them, if possible, but for sure see them in their highest light as this will raise your vibration and theirs. You can’t fix things for others.
Reading what is written above makes me laugh now. Soul is pretty patient. I ask a question, and they answer. Then, being the over thinker I am, wanting to understand the shit out of everything, I decide I must write about it to clarify, to discover, because that’s what writing does for me. And that has turned this whole episode into Soul having to be an over-explainer to an over-explainer.
So, hoping I’ll really absorb the information this time, I’ll attempt to be concise, to be ‘brief but comprehensive’ about what Soul has said no less than 4 times:
Think of them in their highest light!
How? We are always cocreating with others so think of them solving their own problems and feeling good about themselves. Help raise their vibration and not lower yours. Respect their unique journey while being a witness to it – they are here to learn their own lessons.
Hopefully this time it has sunk in, and I'll practice it in the future :)
Till next time, peace out.