I’m a positive person who tries to see the best in a situation, find the positive aspect, appreciate the lesson, the blessing, or both. I believe that the circumstances, situations, and the feelings I experience expand me as a human who is always learning and growing, which in turn, expands my Soul. I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
There are times when the not so joyful or peaceful conditions and circumstances of life grab my attention. A temporary illness or physical condition, issues a loved one is having, timeline pressure, anxiety, or frustrations, you know the drill, shit happens. As a believer in ‘where my mind goes, my life flows,’ I sometimes get out of balance, start over-thinking about the shit, and underthinking about the joy, peace, and blessings.
I’m out of whack and need a tune-up, a realignment with Soul, a release of thoughts that don’t serve me. I need a reminder that whatever I’m going through right now is only temporary. That it is growth and expansion, though it may not seem like it in the moment. I need to go within to avoid going without.
5.5.24 (Due to the length of this conversation, I had to edit a bit.)
[Me] Good morning. My thoughts are like a pinball going every which way
[Soul] Settle your energy. Adjust to the pure love frequency, relax, just float. It’s all about the feeling. Just soak it in, there’s no rush, there’s no time here
[Me] I’m sinking further, it’s like a drug, a hit of Love. I’m melting into ‘All is one,’ no physical body, just my consciousness and every other consciousness emanating at the same frequency. Oh man, it’s bliss
[Soul] Breathe 2, 3, 4…Be 2, 3, 4…Float 2, 3, 4
[Me] Thoughts speed by like frissions of electricity, but I don’t give them attention, I don’t focus on them
[Soul] Breathe 2, 3, 4…Be 2, 3, 4…Float 2, 3, 4. Like a waltz, a waltz of peace
[Me] Rest, real rest. Not physical but resting in the peace of my Soul. Should I be more mindful about what would make me feel better? Not what I think I should do, but what I want to do. What I give my attention to grows. Sometimes ideas seem to stick with me, why is that?
Do they benefit me? Are they important and valid? Perhaps they’re my Intuition. I data dump by making lists of ideas and to-dos hoping I can get them out of my head and stop the effort of trying to remember them. But eventually the list beckons to be dealt with? Like I need to accomplish the list? What do you think?
[Soul] How ‘you think about it’ is the point
[Me] Ahh, thank you. How I think about things is how they are. Then I reinforce those thoughts through words and actions thus making them my reality. Sometimes it feels like paying attention to my attention is a full time job, exhausting even
[Soul] It’s about balance. Spending too much time paying attention, trying to figure everything out to avoid what you believe might be negative outcomes, is robbing you of your joy, thus creating negativity. You are in control. Decide what you want answers to and just step away and let the answers come to you. You don’t have to figure everything out
[Me] These last couple of months have been tough
[Soul] Make your movie, write your story, don’t lose focus on what you desire. Feel the joy, attract what you desire to you. There doesn’t have to be some big scenario where you figure out every detail. Order it, Feel it, Be it. Don’t focus on the why-nots or the judgments. You are forgetting your Divinity, your majesty, your worthiness
There have been so many other things in your physical world that have demanded your attention. It’s okay to take a break from them. They will be there when you focus on them again. Or ask yourself – do they need to be? You decide. Put them on a list if you feel you must look at them again
It is more important that you go within. Find your peace. Create your dream, your desires – not havoc or anxiety or pressure. Spend time getting back on track to your peace, your truth, your joy. All works out for your benefit. Spirit is benevolent. Don’t judge yourself for forgetting this. We know you are apt to do that
This is being human in a physical world. Balance is living at a higher level. You know all of this. It is not a negative to be reminded of it as you are right now. This is being human in all its glorious messiness. Its contradictions and polarities
Feel the joy in the feelings you are feeling, the experiences and expansion. You weep over what you judge to be ‘wrong’ when we are telling you that everything is right, it’s perfect, it’s true, real, and exactly why you are here. See the beauty, feel the joy, know that all is as it should be. You are providing growth to us, to we, to Soul
Co-creating, as it should be, as it is. There is nothing ’wrong’ as you might judge. All is right, all is perfect, believe in that. We know your desires. You cannot imagine the joy and happiness coming your way. We look forward to blowing your mind, as you might say
[Me] Thank you
[Soul] Thank us. Release the fears and tears, weep, and let the diamonds flow down your cheeks, release what is pent up. Haha let that shit go. Re-adjust, re-tune. We’re always here, waiting for your next conscious visit. We love when you mindfully connect. As you would say positive vibes, Group hug, feel that, saturate in that, re-charge in that, tune to that. Now enjoy your cup of coffee and know that All is Well
[Me] 'All is Well.' I feel like that is my new mantra. In whatever situation, upon any niggle of anxiety I will think and say and know that ‘All is Well’
[Soul] Sounds like a good one: true, authentic, Divine even
[Me] Man, you are good!
[Soul] Wink! We are, aren’t we? Go start your day